Here we have another orb and this also was taken in the grounds of Newstead Abbey and the grounds of the Old Priory Hospital, which no longer exists.
Go to my galleries page and see the other orb images.
This orb is also Archangel Michael.
The red on the outside here is Archangel Raphael.
The yellow is The Son of God.
The turquoise is The Angel of God.
Look at the orb and make a wish or pen your desires.
Archangel Raphiel's name means - God Heals.
He helps with mental, physical, emotional and spiritual healing - healing all of you from the inside, out.
He helps promote better health and spirituality.
He can heal past hurts. Just gently breathe out any past hurts and ask Archangel Raphiel to heal you and them.
He is gentle, kind, loving and compassionate.
He comforts and heals you from past and present traumas.
He also acts as a healer and guide when someone is giving you healing - maybe from an operation.